Julie Auger
I was born in Sunderland and have lived in Essex for 30 years and have worked for Essex County Council Youth Service for almost 20 years. I was appointed service manager in 2019. The service offer includes detached youth work, centre based and community development youth work, Career IAG, Targeted Youth Advisors, Employability& Skills, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Young Carers and Multi Schools Council who specialise in SEND and support schools to be more inclusive and skilled in working with SEND Young People. We also have Youth Voice and Participation workers who work with our elected Young Essex Assembly, local youth councils, young commissioners and young volunteers. We deliver Youth Work in Hospitals and Colleges. I am privileged to lead such a dedicated and skilled team of amazing people.
Essex has a fantastic Youth Offer with a very impressive and diverse voluntary youth work sector where collaborations and shared practice enable the best offer to young people across our communities. I know that not all counties have such a comprehensive Youth offer as we have in Essex which is why I am so involved with our Regional work. I really enjoy championing good quality youth work, supporting colleagues in other areas and building a network of professionals that are humble, kind, hardworking and passionate to see services for young people grow and thrive. The East and East Midlands Regional Youth Work Unit has a healthy membership of wonderful people. If you lead youth work in our region, we would be delighted if you joined us as we know that we achieve more together.